The scriptures warn us that there would be a great falling away from the Truth. Romans seven tells us we are married to Him that is risen from the dead, that we might bring forth fruit by the Spirit of the Lord. Jesus is the Word of God being lived out in our lives wile we are living in these mortal bodies. To say we are Christians and not be living the truth is deception. We are living as God’s children when we walk in the truth of His word. The spirit of iniquity, the mystery that was at work, as Paul warns us in the scriptures is a divorcement from the truth. It is when we live in deception not knowing the truth or the power of God because we have separated ourselves from making our decisions based on God’s word revealed by the Holy Spirit. The New Testament is the gift of the Holy Spirit writing God’s laws in our minds and hearts because we have chosen to renew our minds to prove God’s good, acceptable, and perfect will in our lives. The good news is we can all get on course simply by turning from being ignorant of God’s word and study to show ourselves approved to God, and not be ashamed, and know the real truth of how to live by the word of the Lord. We are told we are saved from all the deception of this mystery by two things. Following God’s Spirit and loving the truth. Jesus is the Living Word we follow to be His sheep leading us into His provisions. Be blessed as you press though the dark lies of the world to walk in the light of His Truth.